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Jo Walton
Author Guest of Honor

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Jo Walton was born in Aberdare, Wales, in 1964. She emigrated to Canada in 2002 and lives in Montreal. Her first novel was The King's Peace (Tor) in 2000, followed by The King's Name (Tor 2001) and The Prize in the Game (Tor 2002). These three books are historical fantasy set in a fantasy alternate sixth century Europe. She won the John W. Campbell (now Astounding) Award in 2002. In 2003 she published Tooth and Claw (Tor), a sentimental Victorian novel in which all the characters are dragons. It won the World Fantasy Award in 2004. Next came the Small Change series, Farthing (Tor 2006), Ha'Penny (Tor 2007) and Half a Crown (Tor 2008) an alternate history trilogy about a world in which Britain made a compromise peace and ended WWII in 1941 before the US came into the war. In 2009 she published Lifelode (NESFA Press) a high magic domestic fantasy, which won the Mythopoeic Award in 2010. In 2011 her best known novel Among Others (Tor) was published, a story of a science fiction reader with fantasy problems. It won the Nebula, Hugo, Copper Cylinder Award, the British Fantasy Award and the German Kurd

Lasswitz Preis. My Real Children (Tor 2013) an alternate history story about a woman with dementia who remembers two different lives in two distinct worlds, neither of them ours, won the Tiptree Award (now Otherwise), the RUSA Award for Women's Fiction, and was shortlisted for the Stonewall Award. Also in 2013 she published a collection of blog posts about older science fiction she had written for the website between 2008 and 2011, with the serious grown up title What Makes This Book So Great (Tor) which won the Locus Award for Best Non Fiction in 2015, and also George R.R. Martin's "Alfie" award that same year. The Thessaly books, The Just City (Tor 2015) The Philosopher Kings (Tor 2015) and Necessity (Tor 2016) are a trilogy about Greek gods and time travellers setting up Plato's Republic. In 2017 she published the short story collection Starlings (Tachyon Press). Also in that year she was given the E.E. Doc Smith Award, with the giant lens, by NESFA for services to science fiction. In 2018 she brought out another essay collection, An Informal History of the Hugos (Tor). In 2019 she published Lent a fantasy novel about Savonarola, and in 2020 Or What You Will a fantasy novel about imaginary friends and the nature of creativity. In 2020 she also edited and self published a giant poetry collection Thought Against Tomorrow, as well as a travel memoir Visiting Friends and an ebook of Lifelode. In 2021 she wrote a play Heart's Home for Odyssey Theatre in Ottawa, which will be broadcast in April 2022, and began a podcast, with Ada Palmer, called "Ex Urbe Ad Astra". She is presently working on another essay collection, in collaboration with Ada Palmer, and two different novels. She plans to live to be ninety-nine and write a book every year.

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Visit Jo's website to find out more about her and her books.


Follow Jo on Twitter @bluejowalton


Listen as she and Ada Palmer interview other fiction authors, historians, scientists, editors, and friends, interspersed with bonus episodes where they discuss topics such as history, gelato, and the craft of writing on their podcast Ex Urbe Ad Astra.

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